M3W Album "trip" out now!

"trip", das neue Album von M3W, wurde heute veröffentlicht. Den kostenlos Album-Download gibt es auf Bandcamp oder direkt über meiner Webseite.

Aufgenommen am 29. Dezember 2014 im Studio18. Das gesamte Album wurde in einem Take während einer Studio-Jam-Session eingespielt und ist komplett von Anfang bis Ende improvisiert - keine Overdubs oder ähnliches. "trip" ist ein experimentelles Album und nimmt den Zuhörer mit auf eine psychedelische Reise aus Sound-Eindrücken.

Viel Spaß!

"trip", new album by M3W, is out today. You can download it for free on Bandcamp or directly on my Website.

Recorded on December 29th 2014 at Studio18. The entire album was recorded in one take during a studio-jam-session and is fully improvised from beginning to end - no overdubs or anything else. "trip" is an experimental album that takes the listener on a psychedelic trip of sound impressions.


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posted by Flo Maiberger | 30 Januar 2015 | 10:14 MEZ


Flo Maiberger

I'm a musician, composer & producer from germany living in Gelnhausen, near Frankfurt (M).

Studied jazz and popular music at FMW, Frankfurt and graduated in 2009.
I play and work in and for different music groups, projects and bands with many different styles and genres as guitarrist, drummer, composer & producer.

As I'm currently abstinent to the stage and live performances because of health reasons, I mainly work as producer for different music projects and working on solo stuff in my own studio. I also compose, arrange, programm and track music and scores for video ads and short movies.


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