The Wheel

Beim Durchforsten meiner iTunes-Library heute morgen erneut auf diesen Schatz gestoßen.
Diese Version von Chris Potter's "The Wheel" mit Adam Rogers (Gitarre), Craig Taborn (Rhodes), Nate Smith (Drums) & natürlich Chris Potter (Sax) selbst, zaubert mir jedes Mal wieder ein Lächeln ins Herz.

Refound this treasure by browsing through my iTunes-Library this morning.
This version of Chris Potter's "The Wheel" with Adam Rogers (Guitar), Craig Taborn (Rhodes), Nate Smith (Drums) & of course Chris Potter (Sax) himself, always puts a smile on my heart.

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posted by Flo Maiberger | 25 März 2014 | 13:34 MEZ


Flo Maiberger

I'm a musician, composer & producer from germany living in Gelnhausen, near Frankfurt (M).

Studied jazz and popular music at FMW, Frankfurt and graduated in 2009.
I play and work in and for different music groups, projects and bands with many different styles and genres as guitarrist, drummer, composer & producer.

As I'm currently abstinent to the stage and live performances because of health reasons, I mainly work as producer for different music projects and working on solo stuff in my own studio. I also compose, arrange, programm and track music and scores for video ads and short movies.


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